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The Championship - Challenge

What an amazing weekend:-)

This race was one of my big goals for the season and I was really excited to be back in Samorin. This year it was a pretty cold spring in Europe and it was raining a lot in Slovakia in the past two weeks so the race organizers had to work really hard to make the swim in the Danube River possible. There was some talk that the race may have to be a duathlon due to strong current, pollution and very cold temperatures.

We were really lucky that it was beautiful and hot weather since Friday before race day and so in the end it was a normal swim (not even shortened) which I was really happy for. The water temperature was only 14.4 degrees Centigrade . One of the coldest swims I have ever done.

I exited water in second place with a big gap on the first out of the water, who was of course Lucy Charles, but I also had a big gap behind me on the other girls.

I felt great on the bike, holding good power and was riding on my own for the first 20km but then there were two super strong bikers flying past me and with 20m drafting zone I wasn’t able to stay with them. Daniela Rode 2:07 bike split! I ride close to a PB of 2:14.

I kept pushing and focused on my own race. When I got off the bike I was in 4/5 th position and loosing around 3:30 minutes on the 2/3 rd position. The only thing I could think about was that there is no way I will be 4th, missing out on the podium here at the amazing race. So I pushed hard on the run, feeling strong. I got some splits from my family and friends and I was closing the big gap in front of me. After 10km I have moved into the 3rd place and was really happy with that. But suddenly I saw I was catching Daniela B., running in second. I passed Daniela at about 12km mark, which was enough to secure 2nd.

What a great feeling finishing in second place at The Championship! It is one of the largest half distance races in the world and I’m feeling stronger each race. My time was a PB of 4:05.

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